Meet Dr. DAISY AYIM, Nigerian born America’s Most Famous Cosmetic Surgery Specialist & Plastic Surgeon in Houston
…Specialized in Labiaplasty, Liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift; BodyTite, FaceTite, Votiva for over 10 years
*She is a Triple Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, and American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
*Highly celebrated double fellowship-trained Cosmetic Surgeon by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, had distinguished accomplishments nationally and internationally, regarded a talented surgeon with an aesthetic eye
*Awards: Wyeth Grant Recipient, 19th Annual Resident Reporter Program, American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Grant Recipient, NIH/NMA Fellows in Academic Careers, Huel D Perkins Leadership Award, Louisiana State University, Administrative Chief Resident, Howard University Hospital
*Education & Fellowship: BS, Biochemistry, Louisiana State University, MD, University of Texas Medical Branch, General Surgery Internship, The Methodist Hospital; Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency, Howard University Hospital, Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship, Anderson Sobel Cosmetic
*”Our exclusive practice allows each client to receive concierge service, personal touch, and meticulous attention to detail in all aspect of obstetrics, gynecology, and cosmetics. Our standard of excellence in personalized health care enables us to provide the quality services our patients deserve”-Dr. AYIM
*BY GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU/AMERICA Senior Investigative Editor
SHE IS THE GLORY OF NIGERIA in the medical field in the United States. DR. DAISY AYIM, a Nigerian born Naturalized American with multiple awards in medicine is now a household name and familiar face in most homes in Houston, Texas and other states across America due to her professionalism in medical practice. Ayim has become the most famous Cosmetic Surgery Specialist and Plastic Surgeon in United States.
Ayim is a Triple Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, and American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is a double fellowship-trained Cosmetic Surgeon by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. She has distinguished accomplishments nationally and internationally. She is a talented surgeon with an aesthetic eye. She has over ten years of experience in private practice with a keen perspective on beauty and health.
Dr. Ayim has always been focused, academically sound, and driven to excel in her craft. She has garnered the love from her patients over the course of a decade to provide superb care and enhanced their desire for aesthetic surgery.
She has positively impacted many people’s lives with her excellent outcomes in surgeries such as body contouring, abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and mommy make over. Dr Ayim has always been focused, academically sound, and driven to excel in her craft. She has garnered the love from her patients over decades either as a cosmetic surgeon or a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist to provide superb care and enhance their desire for aesthetic and cosmetic surgery.
Boutique aesthetic private practice of Dr. Ayim, top cosmetic surgeon, where the elixir of beauty is restored with precision. Her medicine is described as a journey to redefine yourself effortlessly with elegant results.
Ayim’s official website showed the following: “Our exclusive practice allows each client to receive concierge service, personal touch, and meticulous attention to detail in all aspect of obstetrics, gynecology, and cosmetics. Ayim Aesthetic is one of the finest cosmetic surgery Houston has to offer and a reputable brand with over a decade experience yet on the forefront of current innovations.
“Our standard of excellence in personalized health care enables us to provide the quality services our patients deserve. We provide comprehensive treatment planning and use, the most current, and up to date technologies available today to achieve your optimal health.”
The concept of beauty is a personal journey that begs the question: “Do I feel good?” This complicated yet straightforward emotion is best achieved with a cosmetic surgeon who understands your need, is passionate about details, and is realistic in deliverance. Dr. Ayim has been trained in cosmetic surgery with top cosmetic and plastic surgeons in Seattle/Bellevue, which undoubtedly provided a unique perspective and exposure to aesthetic surgery. Dr. Ayim loves being a cosmetic surgeon, and it resonates in her art. Her goal is to restore beauty your way while using her medical knowledge and sound surgical expertise.
*BS, Biochemistry, Louisiana State University
*MD, University of Texas Medical Branch
*General Surgery Internship, The Methodist Hospital
*Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency, Howard University Hospital
*Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship, Anderson Sobel Cosmetic
Top Doc 2018-21, Houstonia Magazine, Top Doc 2017, Houstonia Magazine, Super Doctor Texas 2017, Rising Stars by Texas Monthly Magazine; Houston Top Doctor, H Texas Magazine 2016, Featured as Dynamic Woman, Houston’s Modern Luxury Magazine 2012, Administrative Chief Resident, Howard University Hospital; Wyeth Grant Recipient, 19th Annual Resident Reporter Program, American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Grant Recipient, NIH/NMA Fellows in Academic Careers, Huel D Perkins Leadership Award, Louisiana State University
Liposuction surgery is the art of sculpting the body by removing excess fat in areas that are undesirable. Liposuction is the gold standard to permanently remove fat. The finesse of liposuction has improved tremendously over the years but the core essence is to provide aesthetic body contouring. Liposuction remains the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure and one of the most popular procedures sought from our practice.
How Is Liposuction Performed?
The Ayim Aesthetic Brand in Houston is built on body contouring, liposculpture, and 360-liposuction which shape the body into a youthful appearance. Liposuction is performed using a technique called tumescent liposuction which essentially uses local anesthesia fluid to numb the area to liposuction. Tumescent liposuction allows the procedure to be performed while awake or lightly sedated and we use small cannulas to provide smooth results.
Both women and men seek liposuction to improve their appearance; however, it is not a substitute for exercising or a healthy lifestyle.
Where Can You Get Liposuction?
There are many areas of the body where liposuction can be performed, including:
*Inner and outer thighs
*Love handles
*Bra Rolls
One increasingly popular demand is for the harvested fat to be transferred to other areas of the body (fat grafting or fat transfer) that have experienced volume depletion or need augmentation.
The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a common request which involves transferring the fat liposuctioned from other areas of the body into the buttocks to augment its appearance. This technique is performed with great caution, given its popularity with some celebrities and its heavy social media presence.
Other body areas clients seek fat grafting are the face, back of hands, or dimpled areas that need volume restoration.
Recovery and Aftercare:
Typically, liposuction is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day of your surgery. It is important to note that you should arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure.
During the first couple of days of recovery, you will likely experience some pain, swelling, and/or soreness. Dr. Ayim may prescribe medication to help you deal with the pain. You may be asked to wear a compression garment for some time as well.
After one to two weeks, you should start to feel less pain and soreness in the areas where you had your procedure. Typically, you can return to work about two weeks after getting liposuction; however, since every patient is different, you should talk to Dr. Ayim in Houston about the right time to resume your normal daily activities after your surgery.
Usually, at the six-week mark, most bruising, swelling, and pain should subside, and you should be able to see your final results. If you have any questions about the recovery process, do not hesitate to ask Dr. Ayim.
With the help of BodyTite in Houston, patients can restore tighter skin and eliminate small pockets of stubborn fat. This state-of-the-art procedure utilizes radio-frequency energy to effectively lift and contour trouble areas of the body.
Which Areas Can BodyTite Treat?
This skin-tightening treatment is incredibly versatile and is safe for use on numerous regions of the body. It can tighten loose skin on the inner and outer thighs, arms, tummy, knees, chest, and buttocks. Several areas can be addressed during the course of a single treatment session.
BodyTite can also be paired with traditional liposuction to enhance its results. This can be discussed during a consultation with Dr. Ayim.
How BodyTite Works:
BodyTite uses controlled radio-frequency energy to heat the tissues from the inside and the outside simultaneously, achieving two different types of improvement.
The BodyTite handpiece has two projecting aspects: a cannula (a thin metal tube) and an electrode. It is shaped in a way where the cannula can be inserted under the skin while the electrode projection stays outside the skin and is in contact with the skin’s surface.
While the cannula is inside the skin, it produces RF energy that travels towards the electrode. This creates intense controlled heat that affects the skin tissues and the fat cells.
As a result of this, the skin tissues’ collagen production rate is increased for healthier and tighter skin. At the same time, the fat cells are being liquefied and removed through the cannula, a process called RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis).
While the heat involved is quite intense, it does not damage the surrounding tissues, making it a very precise and safe treatment.
The Treatment Process:
Treatments typically take around one to three hours. At the start of the session, local anesthesia is injected into the targeted regions. This effectively numbs them to any pain or discomfort.
Once the anesthesia has taken effect, a tiny incision is created to allow access for the cannula, which is then inserted into the skin. RF energy is emitted as the handpiece is moved around the area, creating even results.
After Your Treatment Session:
Once the BodyTite treatment is complete, you will be able to return home. Downtime and recovery time can last around five to ten days, and a degree of swelling and bruising may be present.
You will notice results right after your treatment session, and these will continue to improve as new collagen protein grows in your skin tissues. It can take around three to six months for full results to be apparent.
Patients experiencing loose skin, unwelcome facial wrinkles, and/or excess fat can benefit from FaceTite in Houston. This state-of-the-art treatment option uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to simultaneously encourage natural skin rejuvenation and eliminate stubborn fat cells.
The Benefits of FaceTite:
The FaceTite procedure tightens the skin in several regions of the face and neck. This has the effect of smoothing away wrinkles in areas like the cheeks, jowls, forehead, neck, jawline, brow, and around the eyes. It can even reduce the appearance of the nasolabial folds, which are quite harsh and difficult to smooth away.
FaceTite improves the elasticity, health, and structure of the skin while also removing small amounts of excess fat. This results in a tighter and more toned look for the skin.
This treatment option is safe for use on precise areas of the face and does not require any scalpels or incisions.
Am I a Good Candidate for FaceTite?
The best candidates for a FaceTite treatment are people who want to address unwanted fat, skin laxity and wrinkles on their face and neck. Good candidates have realistic expectations and do not want to undergo invasive surgical treatments to achieve their aesthetic goals.
What to Expect:
First, local tumescent anesthesia is administered, along with oral medications. This allows the patient to be awake, relax and feel no pain during the treatment.
Once these have taken effect and the patient is comfortable, tiny punctures are created to allow the insertion of a cannula (a long thin tube) with an internal electrode. This cannula is part of a wand that also has an external projection that rests on the skin’s surface. This projection has an external electrode.
While the cannula is being moved around under the skin, the internal electrode sends radiofrequency energy towards the external electrode. This energy heats the tissues, encouraging new collagen protein production. Collagen gives skin its elasticity and structure. The radiofrequency energy also melts fat cells, which are removed through the cannula.
Votiva in Houston is a state-of-the-art medical technique for addressing vaginal tissue laxity, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse. It is a completely non-invasive way to restore comfort and confidence. This in office procedure has no downtime.
With age, the body experiences significant changes due to a decline in the production of elastin and collagen. Giving birth also results in major physical changes and frustrating issues, as does menopause. With the help of Votiva, these problems can be solved without any need for an invasive procedure.
Votiva – What Is It?
Votiva is a device that medical professionals use to improve vaginal wellbeing with the help of radiofrequency energy. Using fractional tissue coagulation and volumetric heating, Votiva can achieve excellent results without the need for the downtime that comes with a surgical procedure.
Depending on your goals, Votiva can utilize Forma V and/or Fractora V technology. Both of these technologies increase the production of elastin and collagen. These proteins improve vaginal suppleness, lubrication, and firmness. The treatments also strengthen and tighten the pelvic floor muscles.
Forma V is a handheld device that heats the mucosal lining of the external labia and vaginal canal.
Morpheus8 is a device that improves the effectiveness of radiofrequency on the labia minora and vaginal lining. This fractional radiofrequency device enhances energy absorption in these regions, creating excellent results.
Typically, most patients require two to three treatment sessions to ensure optimal results. The exact number of treatments will vary according to Dr. Ayim’s professional recommendation. Each session must be scheduled two to four weeks apart.
How Votiva Helps Against Urinary Incontinence:
With childbirth or the aging process, you may experience a decline in vaginal tissue tone. As a result, you may experience urinary incontinence when you sneeze, jump, or cough. This can lead to embarrassment and self-consciousness.
With Votiva, radiofrequency energy tightens the tissues present in the vulvovaginal area. Strengthening this region restores the body’s ability to prevent urine from leaking.
Brazilian Butt Lift:
The process of harvesting fat from other areas of the body and injecting it into the buttock is known as the “Brazilian Butt Lift” (BBL), or Butt Augmentation. It is a widely popular and requested procedure evident in some celebrities. Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that there has been a 250% increase in butt lift procedures since the year 2000.
Main focus is on safety and realistic expectations yielding optimal outcomes. Unlike butt implants usage for butt augmentation, fat transfer is soft facilitating a natural buttock and appealing contour. A surgical buttock lift is also quite different from a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). A surgical buttock lift involves the removal of excess skin and possibly fat in the buttock area yielding skin tightening over the buttock.
Advantages of the Brazilian Butt Lift:
*Less downtime
*Minimal scarring
*Natural youthful enhancement
*Faster recovery
The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure:
Prior to your procedure, you will need to meet with Dr. Ayim for a consultation. During this consultation in our Houston office, you will need to go over your complete medical history. If you have ever experienced any anesthesia-related sickness, mention this to Dr. Ayim so that anti-nausea medication can be administered before the procedure.
The BBL procedure involves multiple steps. In the first step, the patient is first administered anesthesia. For the transfer of smaller fat volumes, local anesthesia is administered. Dr. Ayim will use liposuction to remove excess fat from the thighs, hips, and/or abdomen. This will involve small incisions and the insertion of a cannula.
In the second step, the removed fat cells are then purified. Any unnecessary materials are separated out, leaving only healthy fat cells for transfer.
Finally, Dr. Ayim injects the purified fat into the buttocks at various depths, resulting in a fuller, rounder look. For the fat transfer process, surgeons typically make around three to five incisions in the buttock region. Incisions are closed using stitches.
Recovery and Healing:
After the procedure is completed, you may experience certain minor side effects such as swelling and bruising. These side effects are only temporary and will typically go away on their own as you recover from the procedure.
The risk of bleeding is minimized by the application of a compression garment against the skin’s affected areas. This compression garment must be worn as instructed during the healing process.
For a speedy recovery, follow these directions:
*Do not sit directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after the procedure.
*Sleep on your stomach or on your side until the injected areas have healed completely.
*Maintain a steady weight.
You may have to wait for at least six months before the results of your Brazilian butt lift in Houston become fully visible. Often, more fat than needed is transferred, since the body breaks down and absorbs some of the injected fat after the procedure.
Labiaplasty also referred to as “labia minora reduction” or “labia reduction”, is a cosmetic procedure for reshaping the labia minora (inner labia). This is not to be confused with labia majora ( outer labia) and the folds of skin in the vulva complex. The vulva appearance varies significantly as related to size, color, and shape.
What Is Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a surgical vaginal-rejuvenation procedure used to reduce the length or width of the folds of the vagina (labia minora). It is performed to aesthetically improve the appearance of your genital area and to reduce discomfort or congenital concerns.
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