Maryland COPS Brutalized, Handcuffed Me Naked after My-In-Law, JIDE IWARERE Set Me Up over a New Job I Secured in Washington DC with a base salary of $250,000-OLUROTIMI OSHA, U.S. NAVY Auditor
…False petitioner: Howard University professor (my mom’s younger sister’s husband-in-law) had committed perjury to obtain an Emergency Evaluation Petition against me, now forced by Judge to be wearing a GPS ankle
*“The false petition was from Jide Iwarere. With malicious intent, he perjured statements in an Emergency Evaluation Petition (EEP) which he thought would remain hidden from me and my family. He lied that I threatened to shoot him, lied that I was hallucinating, lied that I was disillusioned. All false. He lied to the police that I was his nephew and that I was a drug addict. The cops used a drone to surveil and harassed me, came to my house without any Warrant of Arrest”-embattled OSHA teared up in cry for justice
HE IS HUMBLE, HONEST, LIVES A MODEST AND DECENT LIFE. HIS NAME IS OLUROTIMI OSHA. His profile status on LinkedIn read ‘Doctor of Law, Auditor, High-level relationship management’, the humility in him came to the fore when he said, “although I have a Doctor of Law degree from George Washington University Law School, I do not like being called Dr, simply call me OSHA.” He is an Auditor in the US Navy. In this Exclusive Interview, he revealed how his in-law, Jide Iwarere, a Howard University professor “my mom’s younger sister’s husband-in-law”, became envious of him, set him up on false allegations for telling him about a higher salaried position he had applied in Washington DC where he was to be earning $250,000 basic. Read it below:
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: OSHA, you claimed you live alone in your house at Montogomery County, Texas. How long have you been living over there and what do you think led the police into harassing you in your home?
It is Silver Spring, (the county is Montgomery County) in Maryland. Yes, I lived alone until the day of the police assault on May 16, 2023. I lived there for 2 years.
On that day, I did not know why they (the cops) were there. Initially, I had thought the police and military geared combatants were there because of my job as an Auditor in the United States, U.S Navy. But it was in hospital that I learned that Jide Iwarere, a Howard University professor (my mom’s younger sister’s husband-in-law) had committed perjury to obtain an Emergency Evaluation Petition. He had claimed falsely that I threatened to shoot him if he came to my house. He told all sorts of bizarre lies, including that I called my apartment a military base. All false.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: You claimed you have a clean record in America. What were the ‘false petitions’ that were made against you that led to the police arrest?
Yes. Prior to May 16, 2023, I did not have a single arrest record, no prior history of violence or psychosis, no incarceration or any criminal record.
The false petition was from Jide Iwarere. With malicious intent, he perjured statements in an Emergency Evaluation Petition (EEP) which he thought would remain hidden from me and my family. He lied that I threatened to shoot him, lied that I was hallucinating, lied that I was disillusioned. All false. He and I had a simple dispute. He kept coming to my home uninvited, because he is a domineering figure. I had reported to my mom that he abused her younger sister, who had Alzheimer and once went missing. He chose to retaliate by discrediting me. He and a Girma Shumi on May 14 assaulted me in my home. I was so shocked and so I called the police. When the police went to Iwarere and Shumi, they lied. Apparently, unknown to me, Iwarere had already previously gone to the police, lying to them that I was his nephew and that I was a drug addict (this was what he lied to my family back home, after the incident) who had gone crazy-even though I have no history of mental illness.
Of course, he lied about me being disillusioned, since I had informed him on May 10, that I interviewed for a new position, and they were discussing a base salary of $250,000 (US dollars) with me in the DC area. It apparently made him extremely jealous, given he never achieved his goal of becoming rich in America. I had no idea until after this incident that he held bitter animus towards me and my mother.
So, he claimed falsely that I threatened to shoot him twice if he came to my home-all false. I do not possess a gun. I have never had one. Although as of that day I was working as an Auditor in the Department of the Navy, and held a Top Secret/SCI clearance, his goal was to discredit me and make me lose my job and clearance. But God is bigger than Jide Iwarere.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you explain how you were harassed, tear-gassed and allegedly brutalized by the police?
On May 14, after Jide Iwarere and Girma Shumi (a neighbor I had never spoken with) assaulted me right at my doorway, I had called the police. So, police misconduct started there on May 14, when they accepted Jide Iwarere and Girma Shumi’s false narrative. A friend of mine had even spoken with the police on the phone telling them my neighbor assaulted me.
But on May 16, after Jide Iwarere had obtained a fraudulent Emergency Evaluation Petition based on his perjured statements (I have a copy of the EEP), Montgomery County Police officers started surveilling me and stalked me out for hours. None of them communicated to me why they were there. If they had called me and told me, I would have no problem. But they did not even have an arrest warrant, nor did they even have the EEP which they ostensibly came to serve. But I did not learn of the EEP until I was in the hospital, when Jide Iwarere was mocking me, and told me he got the EEP and sent the police to deal with me. He wanted to let me know he was the machismo of Montgomery County-just like an African dictator in America; ironically, land of rule of law. Iwarere let me know in the hospital that he was above the law.
So, the police came with an armed presence (at least 30 cops according to the judge). My neighbor and a friend took photos of the armed force in military gear carrying rifles who came (according to him.) Then, it was apparent the police used disinformation intentionally, as my neighbor later told me that they told them to stay indoors because there was a girl being held hostage in my apartment. All false intended to discredit and defame me. I lived alone, and I had never even allowed anyone to come visit me, except my pastor and a friend. So, the police intentionally spread false information about me.
They used a drone to surveil and harass me (according to Sgt. Jeffrey Rea, they deployed drones) for hours, as the drone hovered just in front of my building. It terrified me, given the nature of my job. I had feared that thinking someone I had reported and filed complaints about had lied and framed me in some sort. I had no idea what was going on. Even though I called the police for help to figure out what was going on, I got no response.
They had used a restraint to lock me inside my apartment. Of course, this terrified me. I was asthmatic as a child, so I had feared they would gas me. Additionally, they covered the peephole of my apartment so that I could not see who was outside when they knocked. They would knock and not say anything, or just say my name. But I could not see them. So, they were gaslighting, which is a crime in the state of Maryland, if it causes injury. In this case it did-I have sent you photos of the physical injuries, apart from the trauma, anguish and damage to my reputation.
Eventually, after they had removed the restraints, I came out surrendering with my hands up, but they tasered me, shooting a projectile into my forehead which barely missed my eye. The electrocution from the multiple tasering threw me on the ground of my hallway, and I felt myself giving up the ghost. But miraculously, I pushed myself off the ground and ran into my apartment and locked the door behind me. As I saw the blood running down my forehead from the assault and I felt an object lodged in my skull, I did not know if I was alive or dead.
Realizing they would come after me in my apartment, I took off my boxer shorts hoping they would respect my dignity and human rights by having me wear my clothes. I expected that during that time, I would be able to ask them why they had come and why they were assaulting me. Their actions were all illegal, and I feared they were rogue cops. But having done international human rights law, I believed my fundamental human rights would be respected and they would let me wear my clothes. But they did not.
They released toxic noxious gases into my apartment, and I was immobilized and broke out in a heavy sweat, as I felt disoriented in the chair I sat in, where I had covered my loins with a bedsheet. But they dehumanized me, and removed me naked, cuffing me to a gurney and moved me through cameras in a hallway, where the cops mocked me, and my neighbors could see me naked. All these violated my human rights.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: You claimed your Fundamental Human Rights were violated as the police arrested you ‘naked’. Explain...
Per the US constitution: my Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated. More rights were clearly violated, but on a high level as far as I can tell immediately, my due process rights and rights to equal protection of the law were violated as the police targeted me unfairly without probable cause or telling me why they were targeting or besieging me.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Was your house door broken into?
Because I have not been allowed to return to my apartment since May 16, 2023, I cannot tell for sure. But the police appeared to have acted in collusion with the building managers and owner, which I have already filed a complaint with the Maryland Attorney General’s office for discrimination. So, the building owners appear to have orchestrated it with their tenant and the police. Iwarere had deceptively claimed in the EEP that I had been fighting my neighbors. That never happened. He referred misleadingly to case number 230023099, which was the instance when he and my neighbor assaulted me, and I reported it to the police.
A friend has taken a recording of how the police destroyed my apartment: it is still toxic from the gases, so I cannot even live there. He video recorded and shows that my housekey can no longer open the door. So, it appears that the police may have broken into the apartment, and the property owners had to change the lock.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Did the police show you any ‘Warrant of Arrest’ up on coming to your house and did the law enforcement agents tell you the offence you committed?
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