God gave Me a Spiritual Awakening to Write Down Poems that will Inspire, Uplift Souls and bring People into the Kingdom of Heaven-DARREN K.J, American top Evangelist/Entrepreneur/Poet
…ready to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide
*’Wisdom is given to humanity from God, based on the trials, tribulations that we undertake throughout all of the seasons, chapters and windows of our lives’
*’These Solomonic-laced poems will send a resonating, powerful message about God that will bring hope; faith, trust, truth, and clarity to the Sovereignty of the Lord’
*’Jesus Christ has influenced everything in my life! He is my everything! My all! He has totally changed the way I think, speak and do things daily’

*’I have copyrighted several of my poems through writerscafe.org, and I am confident that I will have them published soon’
*’I have spoken to two Christian publishers: one of them is a top Christian publisher in the entire world, and the other is a top publisher of the Holy Bible’
*On Rapture: ‘I truly believe that Angels really exist, and that we are in the end times as we speak. The book of Revelation is actually playing out right before our eyes today’
*”Pray without ceasing: When you wake. On your way to work. While you work. On America’s Presidential Election, pray that God’s will be done”
HE’S A LOVER OF GOD-so passionate, excited on everything regarding the Kingdom of the Lord. DARREN K.J, is a top American Evangelist who firmly believes in the undiluted gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a honest man who practices what the Holy Bible teaches.
This man that is endowed with humility is a poet, a businessman and an outstanding Entrepreneur. In this Exclusive Interview with NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER’S AMERICA Senior Investigative Editor, GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU, Darren bares his mind on the Lord’s divine calling upon his life, and many other issues. Enjoy it!
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What inspired you into the poems you wrote?
*DARREN: That’s a good question. Let me say this. The best way that I can explain this is that I had a spiritual awakening, a spiritual and divine experience or whatever you want to call it, with God. I just didn’t wake that morning and say hey I think I’m going to start writing poetry today. Actually it has never even come to mind before. I never dreamed that I would ever write poetry of any kind.
Besides I had no idea how to write poetry much less poems or what would I even write about, but that’s exactly what God’s plan was for me. As of this date, I’ve written a little over 200 poems.
I also listen to a lot of Christian music everyday. Either KLTY 94.9 FM in Dallas / Fort Worth and The Message Channel 65 on Sirius XM Radio. I admire and love how so many Christian artists have been able to spread God’s word through their music. That’s truly a an amazing blessing and testament, as these songs reach millions of people.
I’ve dreamed of being able to turn these poems into music, but I haven’t figured out how to do this. lol
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How did you come about the ‘Solomonic wisdom’ you reflected in your poetry?
*DARREN: It came about when I realized what spiritual gifts were and how God gives them to all us, and how I discovered what some of mine were. These poems are all different. They are an accumulation of inspired words that have come to light over a period of time: days, weeks, months and even years.
It’s something I saw, hear, read etc. The titles for these poems just seem to pop into my head so I write them down, until I get all of the words to complete the poem.
I can’t just sit down at anytime I want and write a poem. It can only be done during a time of divine inspiration. A time when it’s quiet, I’m usually alone, and it’s very peaceful and I’m in deep thinking.
Many of the poems I’ve written, are the exact the thoughts, words, and feelings that I was actually experiencing in my own life as I faced these trials and tribulations; written in a way that pleases God, and I learned that the purpose of these poems were to share the message of God and His Kingdom, His unconditional love for us, His amazing grace, His mercy and His wisdom that He freely gives.
As the years have go by, I’ve learned that wisdom is actually given to us from God, and it is given to us based on the trials and tribulations that we went through throughout all of the seasons, chapters and windows of our lives.
It oftentimes, comes during reflection of our lives. Not dwelling on the past, but looking back and wondering how we ever got through all of the many things we’ve had happen or experienced, and how we overcame them all throughout our life. The pain, the suffering, the uncertainty, the loneliness, depression, anxiety, addictions and everything else. In looking back, I know that God was with me through all of these.
It’s kind of funny when you look back and ask yourself why you did this or why did that, ot why did this happen? There was a reason for it all, but I didn’t know it at the time, but realized it later on in life.
It’s like being given a second chance to do it all over again, but in a much different way. To share your experiences with others in order to help them through a lot of same trials and tribulations we have faced.
You’ve walked the path. Been there done that so to speak. Some paths or roads you’ve walked many times, and taken many journey, so it now time to lead others through them.
It truly takes a lot of self reflection and a lot of soul searching.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How much influence has your relationship with Jesus Christ impacted your lifestyle?
*DARREN: I hope that all that I think, say and do be for His honor and glory! Christ has influenced everything in my life! He is my everything! My all! He has totally changed the way I think, speak and do things.
Event though I fail Him daily and my flesh fails Him through my thoughts, words and actions, He still loves me no matter what, and it’s a conditional.
He’s the reason why I’m here and still alive here now. God has a plan for all of us. When start getting off course form His plan, He has a way of nudging or pushing us back in the right direction, or there comes a detour that takes us all the way around and back full circle to where we once were. It’s like a preview, a test run on what is about to come.
Good has a reason and purpose for everything that happens in our lives. Even when we go through the bad, tough and dark times of our lives, if you look back, there was a reason for it. We get so caught up in the world that we often miss the signs, the messages, the hints that God gives us.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you remember the first time you wrote your first poem?
*DARREN: Yes absolutely. It was the morning of September 10, 2014. It all began one day, a couple of months after I had just turned forty nine, almost 9 1/2 years ago now, the time when I first started writing Christian poetry. This was in early fall, -September of 2014. September 10th to be exact.
I woke up early that morning, and I sat up on the side of the bed. It was still quiet. I was just sitting there on the side of the bed, which I hardly ever do, because I usually get up and immediately get down on my knees and pray to God the Lord’s Prayer, and thanking him for waking me up to another day, for protecting my family and friends throughout the night, to go before me each day, and guide and direct my steps, that my thoughts, words and actions would please Him, to be who He created me to be, and whatever else needs to be prayed for or taken to Him.
I was just sitting there looking back at my life, reflecting. It was only for a few seconds but seemed like an eternity had passed. It was at this time that I could feel a spirit in my presence, which felt like a light whoosh, like a light whisk of air, but while it was light, it had an immensely powerful and strong aura. I could feel its presence directly over me, like it was standing right over me, looking down on or over me, but I was not afraid. I had goosebumps and a tingling inside, but it was not out of fear. I did not know what to think, so I just stayed still and quiet.
I have tears in my eyes now just writing this, but they are not tears of sadness, they are tears of joy because I know because of this spiritual and divine experience, not a physical or earthly one, happening to me, just how much God truly loves me, and all of His children, even though I have failed Him so many times and backslid in my life, committing the sins in my life.
A few seconds passed, as I sat there, it felt like for a moment, that the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders, and I then realized that it was The Holy Spirit. I knew without a doubt that this had to be God. There was no other logical reason or human explanation for what I was feeling and experiencing. I remember afterwards that no one would ever believe this. What I can remember was it was warm, beautiful, loving, calming, and immensely powerful. It was unlike anything I have ever felt or experienced before in my life.
After these few minutes that I spent alone with God that morning, I wrote my first poem, and the shortly thereafter on the same day, I wrote my second poem.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Have you trademark all your poems for Copyright purposes?
*DARREN: I’ve copyrighted several of my poems through writerscafe.org, but many are unpublished works that I hope to one day have published, but that’s all on God’s time and not mine. He will let me know when the time is right because it will happen.
I attempted to get published back sometime in mid 2017 but it just wasn’t the right time either.
I’ve written many poems since then. There was even a time in one month, I think it was April of 2017, that I wrote 37 poems and don’t remember writing them all.
I will say that God has opened the door of opportunity to possibly publish with one of the largest publishers in the world; and they are also known for publishing the Holy Bible.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How do you intend your message as an Evangelist for Jesus Christ touches the lives of the people you meet daily?
*DARREN: I want my poems to send a resonating and powerful message about God! I want them to bring hope, faith, trust, truth, and clarity to who God is. That they resonate with anyone and everyone who hears and listens to them. That they save souls and save lives.
Maybe someone somewhere is contemplating on taking their own life, or going through something that they have no hope, no faith, no more strength to fight, etc.
God is here! He is here now and forever, and He works through His children who are the hands and feet of Christ. He also works through others in many different ways. Many who don’t even know Jesus is using them for a bigger cause, to compete the work of the Kingdom. That they the words of these poems will bring change to the world.
That they will bring love, peace, joy, faith and hope, etc. That others who do not know God will come to see and meet Him through these words.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Have you seen or met any publisher willing to publish your poetry?
*DARREN: Yes, I’ve actually spoken to several, maybe 6 or 7 over the years, but two most recently (this year). Both are Christian publishers. One is one of the top Christian publishers in the entire world, and one of the top publishers of the Holy Bible.
Talk about God opening doors. Praise The Lord for all He has done for us!!! May He continue to provide the way to help me get His word out to the four corners of the earth.
It’s just being able to afford to take the final step to make this dream, this gift that God has given me, and to share it with the world, in a way that anyone and everyone can relate to.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: As stated in the Christian Holy Bible, the ‘End Times’ is here in the world. How do people relate properly to other people they meet daily since such new persons might be Angels?
*DARREN: I truly believe that Angels really exist, and that we are in the end times as we speak. The book of Revelation is actually playing out right before our eyes today.
There is a spiritual war going on in the spiritual realm, unlike any other. It’s about us and about the battle for our very souls.
In regard to Angels, God always creates situations for us to meet others. It’s not just a coincidence. It is at the exact day and time that God has planned.
Many of the people we meet being some of His other children. By bringing people, some I know are Angels from God, into our lives for a purpose, specifically and exactly for that time. There always a hidden message that we don’t see then, but we eventually see later.
Some come into our lives only for that moment and we never see or hear from them ever again. It’s all part of God’s master plan for us.
It’s usually during a time of need. It’s always during a time that we are struggling, whether it be financially, physically, mentally, morally, and have no where else to turn. A time when we are alone, afraid or are uncertain, etc.
Look back and see for yourself. It will, if not now, will all start to make sense later.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Do you think Pastors or Men of God of today are teaching enough of the message of Jesus Christ to the congregation?
*DARREN: That’s a tough question, as there are some amazing Pastors and Men of God that are passionate and don’t hold back in preaching the word of God. They say it like it is and have it needs to be said.
I have the utmost respect for the Pastors and Men of God who preach God’s word the way it is intended to be spoken.
We need to be taken out of our comfort zones to hear God’s word. We musically surrender ourselves to Him.
This is not in anyway to judge anyone, pastors or churches, that’s for God to do, and not man, but in my humble and honest opinion, more needs to be done to carry God’s message and the Holy Bible to the entire world.
I’m speaking generally and not specifically about any one church, because there are many churches that still teach the word of God the way that people need to hear it, and not the way that makes them feel “comfortable”, and that Heaven and Hell do really exist. The devil is real, and demons are real and that spiritual warfare are all real also, and it’s not a joke or anything to make fun of.
My hope is that humanity soon realizes this before it too late, because once that time comes, it’s too late. There are not any do overs and no rewind button.
Case in point, how often do you ever hear about the 10 Commandments of God anymore? and how the world and our society has changed, and I don’t mean for the better. Pay attention to what’s really happening in the world today.
If you look back at how much the church has changed over the last, let’s say 40-50 years; many churches have slowly conformed to the world and man, instead of man conforming to God, His Commandments, and the Holy Bible.
Speaking broadly. Ask yourself this. Are some churches really built to serve God today or are they simply built to serve man?
It seems like God’s message has unfortunately been diluted or watered down so to speak over the years.
I remember as a kid, going to church and the word putting the fear of God in me, but not in a bad way.
My maw maw and paw paw being the God fearing people they were, and they were one of the best role models that I saw in my life, that defined what a Christian was and should be.
The shear and mere power and awesome wonder of God alone had my attention.
Are some churches really a sanctuary anymore? Or are they a place that we go to “fill up”, and then the next day we go back into the world tending to our daily business, forgetting about God’s word and commandments, and the purpose of why we are here, instead of doing God’s work everyday? Do we just pray just that day or do we pray everyday? Do we acknowledge our brothers and sisters outside of church? Do we extend or help others in their time of need. What if that was you in that situation?
My messages simple. We don’t have to go to church or be in church to do God’s work. We can and should be doing it everyday and for the rest of our lives here on earth.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: The United States of America’s mantra is ‘In God We Trust’. How can religion be a guide to the true leader Americans desire to elect the 47th President of the United States?
*DARREN: Well “In God We Trust” really says it all, because we can really trust God to do what He says He’s going to do.
Can you really trust man to always do what they say they are doing to do? Had God ever failed you or let you down? What about man?
It doesn’t really matter who’s President, because God is the one who is always in control and He is the one who is the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords, and the one who sits on the throne in Heaven, so it’s God’s will that will be done.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: In politics, the major choice available for Americans to pick from are former President Donald Trump of the Republican Party and the incumbent President of the United States, Joe Biden. On the religious messages of Jesus Christ, how and who do you advise Americans to vote for in the upcoming election coming up on November 25th?
*DARREN: I don’t really express my personal opinions of politics, but the best answer that I can give to this is to simply pray and ask God to convict your heart because if it’s God’s will, then His will be done.
*NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What is your message to Americans at this period and how can peace continue to reign in homes and families?
*DARREN: Keep God first in all aspects of your life. Pray without ceasing. When you wake. On your way to work. While you work.
In your way home from work. When you go to sleep. Prayer is a very powerful tool, and we can never pray enough.
I’ve been guilty of this before: I heard something on the radio a couple of weeks ago. It was from a Christian musician named Matthew West. He was telling a story about a woman he met, at one of his concerts, who battling cancer, and instead of saying I will pray for you or say a prayer for you, which many us don’t do, never do or forget to do, why don’t we pray for them right here, right now? That was a very powerful message and after hearing this, I’ve started doing this and it’s amazing what God can do!
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