Facing 10-year-JAIL Term:
STATE of Maryland sues HOWARD Professor, JIDE IWARERE for Second Degree Assault, Misdemeanor Criminal Charges
…place under strict investigation by F.B.I., Department of Justice & Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
*Lied under oath regarding conspiracy against a family relative, OLUROTIMI OSHA, U.S. Navy Auditor
*Maryland Police Department investigating why main suspect hid the disappearance of Bunmi IWARERE, the wife suffering Alzheimer’s disease
*Maryland State Government confirmed Varsity Don’s involvement, fault False EEP Petition, find another suspect’s complicit in aggression, absolve victim innocence
*“The police not only destroyed my property, but also converted some of my personal properties. My wallet with credit cards, debit card, social security card and cash have been taken. My colognes, wristwatches and my certificate of Naturalization, my US passport ID have all been taken. My naval access card to Washington Navy Yard was also taken. I achieved the equivalent of five university degrees from the Ivy League, Columbia University, and a Doctor of Law degree from George Washington University. I had the highest level of national security clearance an American can have-Top Secret/SCI. My life is in danger”-OSHA lament
*BY SAMSON SHOAGA/GROUP Managing Editor & GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU/AMERICA Senior Investigative Editor
THIS IS NOT THE BEST OF TIMES FOR JIDE IWARERE, AN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR with the prestigious Howard University who has been enmeshed in a huge scandal, legal tussle bothering on Second Degree Assault, Perjury and Misdemeanor criminal charges against a family relative (an in-law), OLUROTIMI OSHA, a United States Navy Auditor.
The STATE of Maryland, having found the earlier false petition made by Iwarere in conjunction by some members of Maryland Police Department against Osha to be untrue, it took it upon itself to file fresh criminal charges against the varsity don.
As earlier reported exclusively by NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER award-wining, later narrated his ordeal,
*READ: https://nigeriastandardnewspaper.com/a/conspiracy/
Osha explains: “The charges brought against me are by the police and they are all false, because they do not want me to sue them. But I have reported it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI and the Department of Justice, DOJ and they are under investigation.
“They have been trying to coerce me to take a plea to do a mental health evaluation and say it was my fault that they almost killed me in my house. By law, if the police are even delivering an EEP in Maryland they must not injure the individual or the police will be prosecuted.
“Furthermore, they did not even tell me anything. They just started surveilling me. Of course, I am a black man, and that is terrifying.”
Security sources confided in our correspondents in the following words: “Iwarere, a right-wing Republican sent the rogue cops like a white lynch mob to ambush Osha, a law-abiding citizen, thereby violating his Fundamental Human Rights as an American.”
Iwarere is being criminally charged in the Court of Maryland by the state government under a code name: ‘CRSCA’, Criminal Statement of Charged Application, meaning that a person has gone to a court commissioner and completed an Application for Statement of Charges. The application was reviewed, found credible and someone made the determination that there was enough evidence in the application to proceed with criminal charges.
For the records, Osha has not yet dragged the embattled, Octogenarian lecturer to Court. He corroborated this view in his statement which reads: “I have not yet sued him (Jide Iwarere). It is the State of Maryland that is suing him. I was just the one who made the complaint, provided the evidence to them, due to the battery and abuse I suffered.
“I am the victim. As such, they investigated and found probable cause to file charges against Iwarere. Later I will sue him in civil court for damages. The judge has prevented me from working for the past 6 months. But God is in control and will vindicate me.”
NAIJA STANDARD gathered that Iwarere’s criminal case and Girma Shumi, an Ethiopian neighbor of the varsity don who allegedly assist him in inflicting bodily harm against Osha are gathering steam in the court. It was learnt the lecturer’s wife, Bunmi Iwarere suffering Alzheimer had been missing, a fact hidden away by the main suspect from the police authorities.
But how was Shumi involved in this criminal case? Osha explained: “He is the Ethiopian neighbor I had never spoken with. Jide Iwarere came with him to assault me. On May 14, after I had a dispute with Iwarere and set boundaries for him that he needed to respect me and not come to my house. When I told him not to visit me, he surprisingly returned on May 14. That was when Iwarere and Shumi assaulted me. They wanted to manhandle me as Iwarere bizarrely told me he wanted to take me to see a psychiatrist. Can you imagine that? Because he felt I was rude to him, and he also wanted to discredit me. When I shouted for H-E-L-P, they fled. Then another neighbor who saw the commotion from her peephole came out and I called a friend, and she told me to call the police because it was an assault.
“When the police came, one talked with my friend. But apparently when they met with Girma Shumi and Iwarere, they lied. Iwarere falsely told them I had gone crazy and that he was going to get an emergency petition, where he lied to them that I threatened to shoot him.”
*Read below unedited Statement of FACTS by the victim to the court:
A: “On May 14, 2023, Olurotimi Osha called the police for assistance following an assault on him at his home at 2301 Glenallan Avenue, Apt. 503, Silver Spring MD 20906, by an aged in-law, Jide Iwarere and two other men including Girma Shumi. Jide Iwarere shows signs of cognitive impairment and has been untruthful about his age, circa 80 years old. Sgt. Charles Drengwitz #1143 of Montgomery County Police Department and a white female officer showed up at Mr. Osha’s door. Sgt. Charles Drengwitz spoke on the phone with an old friend of Mr. Osha’s, who informed Sgt. Drengwitz that Mr. Osha had been assaulted by his neighbor and his in-law.
“Unknown to Mr. Osha, Iwarere had come to his apartment and had a crisis team waiting outside for Mr. Osha. The crisis team never spoke with Mr. Osha. Mr. Osha, a wholesome law-abiding citizen has no history of mental illness or criminal history. He had informed Iwarere, an overbearing in-law, simply not to come to his apartment otherwise he would be trespassing. Mr. Osha had reported Iwarere’s abuses to his mother, Eunice Osha, in Nigeria. Mrs. Eunice Osha’s half-sister, Bunmi Iwarere, is Jide Iwarere’s ill wife. Mr. Osha had informed his mother that Bunmi Iwarere had gone missing, and it was reported that she had Alzheimer’s. But Jide Iwarere had hidden this from the family. Thus, Mr. Iwarere attempted to discredit Mr. Osha by claiming falsely that Mr. Osha was a drug addict who had gone crazy. Jide Iwarere tried to use the Montgomery County Police Department by using his influence and reputation as a Howard University professor and long-time resident of Montgomery County, to commit Mr. Osha in order to punish and discredit him, and to hide his abuse of Bunmi Iwarere, Osha’s aunt.
B: “As of May 16, 2023, the day of the assault on the defendant in his home by Montgomery County Police Department, OLUROTIMI OSHA, was employed as an Auditor in the US Department of the Navy, reporting secretly to his mentor the Auditor General of the Navy, DONJETTE L. GILMORE. Osha holds a Top Secret/SCI clearance-the highest level of clearance granted to an American citizen. OSHA had no prior arrest or criminal record or history of violence or psychosis. Additionally, OSHA holds several university degrees including a bachelor’s from Columbia University in the City of New York, an MBA from Troy University in Troy AL, a Doctor of Law degree from George Washington University Law School, and a certificate in International Human Rights Law from Oxford University in the United Kingdom.
On May 16, 2023, OSHA, a Black male, was staked out for hours by white Montgomery County Police officers. He was locked in his apartment with restraint bands to prevent him from coming out. The police deployed drones to surveil OSHA in his apartment, and a large military like police presence built up in OSHA’s driveway, as he was locked in and surveilled with drones for hours. Terrified, OSHA had called 911 and Montgomery County Police Department numerous times for help, and to figure out what was going on to no avail. OSHA, an asthmatic, fearing he would be gassed in his home, tried to use a small kitchen breadknife to cut off the restraints on his door. OSHA was further subjected to unlawful gaslighting, as knocks were made on his door, but his peephole was blocked with a black object, so he could not see anyone.
Unknown to Mr. OSHA, JIDE IWARERE had obtained an Emergency Evaluation Petition by committing perjury, without the knowledge of OSHA or anyone in his immediate Family.
C: “When OSHA came out fearful for his life, he found a troop of white police officers aiming guns at him. Yet while surrendering himself and disabling the tiny breadknife by sticking it into the wall so that it does not hurt anyone, Montgomery County Police unreasonably tasered the 49-year-old OSHA (at the time 48) multiple times.
A projectile was shot and ensconced in Mr. OSHA’s forehead, just slightly above his eye, barely leaving him blind. Mr. Osha had been thrown onto the ground, as the electrocution almost left him dead. Miraculously, Mr. OSHA got off the floor and ran into his apartment locking the door behind him. Bleeding from the head, and not knowing why the police shot at him, Mr. OSHA realized they would eventually force their way into his apartment. But he wanted to know why they were there, since he had done nothing wrong. He wondered if they had come as a result of the federal employees, he had filed complaints for wrongdoing and who were under investigation by the Office of Special Counsel and several Inspector Generals’ offices and EEO.
“Seeking answers, Mr. OSHA removed his boxer shorts and covered himself with a bed sheet and sat in a chair. He had disabled the solitary knife by sticking it into the table, to show that he was unarmed in his apartment. Being a student of international human rights law, Mr. OSHA reasoned that the assailants would respect his dignity and allow him to wear his clothes, and during that time, he would ask them why they were there attacking him. They had never told him he was under arrest.
However, noxious gases were released into Mr. OSHA’s apartment which immobilized him in his chair. The police broke in, and as Mr. OSHA struggled to maintain consciousness and cover himself, he felt himself removed, cuffed, and placed in an ambulance where he finally passed out.”
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: You claimed your Fundamental Human Rights were violated as the police arrested you…Explain
Per the US constitution: my Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated. More rights were clearly violated, but on a high level as far as I can tell immediately, my due process rights and rights to equal protection of the law were violated as the police targeted me unfairly without probable cause or telling me why they were targeting or besieging me.
The police not only destroyed my property, but also converted some of my personal property. My wallet with credit cards, debit card, social security card and cash have been taken. My colognes and wristwatches as well as my certificate of naturalization, my US passport ID have all been taken. My naval access card to Washington Navy Yard was also taken.
To add insult to injury, the police then framed me, and induced or coerced my neighbor to file a fraudulent peace order. The same neighbor, Girma Shumi, whom I had never spoken to in my life but who had assaulted me with my in-law on May 14. While I was in the hospital being treated for my severe injuries, a Sheriff came and served me a Peace Order petition against me by one Girma Shumi. That is my neighbor who assaulted me. He committed perjury saying that I was the one who kidnapped him by pulling him into my apartment and seizing his phone and that I claimed I was an FBI agent. All false. What is interesting is, I later learned in a court proceeding that Girma Shumi cannot only speak a word of English, but he needs a translator to understand in court. The State of Maryland has since filed criminal charges against both him and Jide Iwarere, my in-law who is a Howard University professor.
Upon discharge from the hospital, the police arrested me at the door of the hospital and failed to read me my Miranda Rights or accede to my request for an attorney. In fact, I had been asking for an attorney at the hospital since May 17. But I was denied access to a private attorney. This would have prevented my incarceration.
Then, he mischaracterized the May 14 incident in which I was the victim. The judge then denied me bail. And based on false claims-the police charge statement was also fraught with lies by a PO1 Damarcus Coleman, who lied that I threatened to shoot Jide Iwarere. He also mischaracterized the May 14 assault in which I was the victim. He also wrote that I had an UNDIAGNOSED THOUGHT DISORDER. How a policeman who is not a psychiatrist, had never spoken to me before, or my friends or family, knew I had an undiagnosed thought disorder, I do not know. How was he sure I was not already diagnosed and on medication but not using my medication-I do not know. But you could see they were cooking up their script already. By the way, I do not have any mental illness and I have never been on medication. How did he know what he supposedly observed was not from drug use-maybe I had been drugged since I do not use drugs. They were conclusory statements without investigation which suggest all of this was staged by complicity of rogue cops and a vindictive and jealous in-law, Jide Iwarere.
My life was salubrious as I worked out regularly at my gym, LA Fitness; I had a girlfriend I had planned a vacation with. But she had no idea where I was or what had happened because of Jide Iwarere’s malicious lies and the rogue cops that had helped him execute his sinister plans.
But God is bigger than them. I was held for trumped up 5 felony assault charges that never happened-because of PO1 Coleman’s lies. All were dismissed when I got a private attorney, but the state left one misdemeanor assault as a means to coerce me to accept a guilty plea—that I would do a mental health evaluation and take treatment for an illness they concocted. I refused it. So, they charged me with more trumped-up charges. I was waiting for trial, but yesterday, the Judge declared that I was not competent to stand trial so cancelled the court schedule. My attorney is challenging the doctored report.
I have been a victim of not only police and prosecutorial misconduct but also judicial misconduct as the judge refuses to let me talk in court even though my attorney told him yesterday that she wanted me to speak and argue my Motion to Dismiss.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Did the police show you any ‘Warrant of Arrest’ up on coming to your house and did the law enforcement agents tell you the offence you committed?
No. No.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you explain how your face and body were brutalized and bloodied by the police in your house?
You can see the photos showing me bleeding from the head. The police shot a projectile that lodged into my skull. I was later told in the hospital that it was a projectile fired from the taser gun. It led me bleeding and I still have numbness and tingling and a swelling in my head even after 6 months from the assault by the police.
The tasering damaged the nerves in my hands so that I could not really feel them-it left a numbness and tingling feeling. They left me with bloody bruises under my arm, around my legs. And the police cut the side of my arm-possibly in their sinister attempt to make me appear suicidal. You can only get an EEP if someone you know has a mental illness, is suicidal or homicidal and a danger. That was clearly not the case for me at all. As you can see the reason for all the doctoring and falsification and perjury going on by state actors and Jide Iwarere.
The electrocution from the tasering severely cramped up my muscles so I had severe aches and pains all over my body. They had to prescribe Tylenol for me at the hospital. And I had never used Tylenol prior to that. I never use medication.
The tasering, the doctors said, also affected my kidneys. So, they had to put me on liquid water drips for several days. The doctor also said the tasering had raised my blood pressure, so I was on blood pressure medication to bring it back to normal while in the hospital.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Have you had an altercation with the police before now and is your life currently in danger?
No, I have never had any altercation with the police prior to this. But I fear my life might be in danger from the framing, false accusations and cover ups. They almost killed me, and they are lying, and they have a Montgomery County judge going with the charade of mental illness, when my friends, family and mental health professionals are saying, No I do not have a mental illness.
But they won’t admit their fault and want to put the blame for the injuries and assault I suffered on me.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Do you plan to engage the services of an Attorney to sue the police in court for ‘Abuse, Battery and Violation of your Fundamental Human Rights’?
Yes, I do.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Do you intend to inform the National Civil Society Council in the United States to fight this battle for you?
Yes, I do. I already have reported to the FBI, DOJ and Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (for my apartment building’s discriminatory role in using a tenant to assault and previously using law enforcement to invade my privacy and come into my apartment without a search warrant.)
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Do you intend to notify the Nigerian Embassy of this problems you are facing and how do you want the National Commission of Nigerians in the DIASPORA to help you in this matter?
Yes, I do.
* NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What is your message for intending Nigerian immigrants planning to relocate to the United States of America based on your harrowing ordeal?
Stay in Nigeria, love one another and make Nigeria great. The American dream is not for everyone. Moreso, it is more difficult if you are an intelligent Black man. I was tremendously blessed in America. I am a naturalized US citizen. I am the American dream. I achieved the equivalent of 5 university degrees-including a degree from an Ivy League, Columbia University, and a Doctor of Law degree from George Washington University. I achieved the highest level of national security clearance an American can have-Top Secret/SCI and was working honestly and going above and beyond working for the Department of the Navy. I pay taxes, and I had no criminal record. I give back to society. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. I am a good guy. But somehow, there is a criminal justice system still lurking to institutionalize Black men. Even when they are clean-it is ready to sully Black men.
We still face racism. No matter how good we might be. There are still racists targeting successful Black men in police departments and some of the county courts protect them. I just thank God I am alive. You can make it anywhere-but it is better to make it at home, among your own people where you do not have to experience morbid racism and they do pathologize or criminalize you for being Black or African.
The irony in all of this is it was a Black man, a Yoruba like me, who instigated all this nightmare and almost had me killed from his animus and perjured statements in the EEP. A Nigerian sent them to my house. I have lived in America for over 24 years without incident. But it had to be a Nigerian who saw me as a nigger and decided to send white cops to my home to mistreat me and show me, I was a nigger.
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