Jailed American Teen’s Threat on Facebook…Plans Suicide Attempt
*To raise $500,000 Bail * Faces 8 years Imprisonment
JUSTIN CARTER, an American teen who falsely threatened on Facebook to allegedly “kill school children and eat their hearts out while still beating” had been picked up by American security operatives, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), arraigned before a competent court; prosecuted and sent to jail.
Naija Standard gathered that Justin had no intention of carrying out his threat, but just ‘cracked an expensive joke’, seeing by US Security as too dangerous and costly to live freely on the streets of God’s own country because he may eventually carry out his threat, thereby endangering the lives of innocent children.
Accused on Suicide Mission
Investigation by Naija Standard showed that though this story sound almost too awful to believe and may have been taken a turn for the worse. Since he was jailed for making a bad joke on Facebook, it has been discovered that Justin seems allegedly toying with ‘Suicide Mission.’
Group faults Justin’s Jailed Term
Naija Standard observed that a group of ‘Kids activists’ in the United Kingdom believe Justin had done no wrong. Let's try to make things better, and be sure that Justin knows that thousands of people stand with him.
According to his dad, while Justin was playing a video game "Someone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head. To which [Justin] replied 'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were 'lol and jk' [all sic]."
Even though it was a clear joke -- underscored by the shorthand for "laugh out loud" and "just kidding" -- a woman who saw the post reported Justin to the police. Now he's in jail for making "terroristic threats" and faces $500,000 for bail and up to
8 years in prison!
And this weekend his dad told CNN: "He's very depressed, very scared, and concerned that he's not going to get out.... He's pretty much lost all hope."