NIGERIA’S Number one Dee Jay, Radio Host in London…reigns as only African Dee Jay to blaze European mainstream club in a live VideoMix for four years in Finland
…says ‘I was born into a music family, where my Dad was a great keyboardist, a legendary composer and a music teacher’
* Had successful disc jockey shows in Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Africa, Nigeria, Holland, France, Italy
* Celebrated as Most Famous Guest Dee Jay on Channel O music awards
* Remain first African to have ever introduced AfroBeats into mainstream carnival
* Pioneered and hosted a radio show called ‘Grand Slam’ a live broadcast from the party venues on Ray Power 100 the first private radio station in Nigeria back in the 90s
* Recalls rookie-day at OGBC FM 2 in Ogun State, hails broadcast icon Femi Sowoolu for discovering his talent
* Abeokuta ‘boy’ Confesses: ‘ I love my ‘Amala’ with rich delicious okra soup and fish stew’
* PLUS working encounters with world renowned Dee Jays, why he’s always shy as ‘Shy Shy’
QUOTE: “At a particular time in life, you are recognized by your gifts through the amount of work you put in place to better yourself. When you do it diligently and passionately, you are loved at your best”-ShyShy
HIS NAME IS SEGUN SHYLLON, famously been celebrated across Britain, Europe, Africa, Asia as ‘Nigeria’s Number One Dee Jay,’ with the trademark ‘ShyShy’ is a naturally shy person. This graduate of Thames Valley University now University of West London with BA (Hons) Digital Broadcast Media had a chit-chat with GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU, AMERICAN Foreign Bureau Chief, NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER where he discussed his adventure into Dee Jay business, why he is highly respected as ‘Nigeria’s No. 1 disc jockey’ specialist in Britain, unpublished huge shows around the world and real reasons he is shy. Nevertheless, this Abeokuta-born music entertainer tells you much more…
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Why are you being celebrated in United Kingdom over the years till date by British and African communities as ‘Nigeria’s No. 1 Dee Jay in London’?
It’s been a long time coming that took almost four decades in the game, yet going strong is worth the honour. I’m glad for the journey and the blessings. It is a beautiful scenario having extreme passion for what I do that has brought me this far.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What are the highpoint of your disc jockey career in the last 10 years till date?
I cannot say the actual high point as I am still doing what I believe. I know I am built to going places around the world, making people happy through my skills and getting to meet different people of high profiles through the years. I am still counting my blessings as the high point to me is on-going. It is an amazing journey so far, most of which are highpoint to me because I delivered and I also enjoyed every bit of it.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: We heard Shy Shy is one of the most sought after Dee Jay most times invited for a lot of shows across the world. Can you take us through this entertainment
I have had so many uncountable shows. I let my work speaks for me but I am glad to have done my parts not just as a club/mobile Dee Jay but as a radio presenter with innovation from back in the days. I am versatile with my own style which gave me an edge in the game by entering into entertain crowds, I meant some of the big cities in United Kingdom, Europe, and Africa. I was the first person to have invented, introduced and hosted a radio show called ‘Grand Slam’ a live broadcast from the party venues on Ray Power 100 the first private radio station in Nigeria back in the 90s.
And before then, at the early start of my electronic media adventure at Ogun State Broadcasting Corporation, OGBC FM 2, as young as I was back then in my early 20s, I was the first to anchor a radio show which featured Dee Jays on rotation every Saturday night to showcase their skills on radio. It was new and a great platform for local disc jockey specialist back then. I moved to United Kingdom, UK, in the late 90s and still made myself relevant in the game within the African community. I cannot count how many clubs I have played for till date. For the records, between 2010-2014 I became the 1st African Dee Jay to blaze through mainstream club land in Europe with live VideoMix where I performed once a month for four consecutive years in Finland. I salute the team that embraced my idea, saw the future and made it a reality through Innovation plus cutting edge creativity of what I projected to them. Now, that is what is still in vogue in most entertainment scene.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you be much more specifics on some of those big shows you had in Asia, Africa and Europe?
I have had the rare privilege to Dee Jay in Malaysia and Hong Kong, in South Africa as well as been a guest disc jockey specialist at Channel O music awards, had uncountable shows in my own country – Nigeria, all over Africa. I have played at Kwaku carnival in Holland among others clubs, having also performed in Italy, France and Finland in numerous occasions as the first Dee Jay to have introduced AfroBeats into their mainstream entertainment.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How much do you spend every month or quarterly on latest music albums or cds collection?
It was so crazy back then as you would have to buy an album just because of one particular track. There was no platform to share music like it is now. It will be hard for any great Dee Jay to account for the money spent in buying music just to entertain the fans and to keep up being relevant. Back then, I was ready for whatever it takes to buy that latest track or album even if it was my last penny. Then, you would not mind as it was all passion that one was willing to do anything for.
Gladly, it is a different ball game now as I get a lot of complementary copies to help promote some artists with good quality music. Let me confess that since I branched out to differentiate myself by doing live video mix, it costs me much more for getting videos and creating my own versions to supplement songs without videos. Streaming made it easy somehow beautiful.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: We heard you are so much in love with old school music. So why such fancy after old school?
It was the era I grew up that had to do with old school and nothing compares to those classic tunes till date- the amount of works, energy and passion put into creating those tracks are what makes them unique that each an every time they are played, you just cannot help but to pin point quality straight away. We had it real cool and I cannot trade the 90s era for anything. I’m grateful I have passed through four decades of music facets already but in all, the 90s reign supreme of all genre. Things were done with quality and reality of living, unlike now that it is done differently without paying attention to details.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Somehow we found ‘crown on King Shyllon’ mostly around your social media timeline. What is your trademark or punch-line in the disc jockey world?
To start with, I am from the Royal Family from Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria where I was born. Therefore, the unique design of the crown on my S stands for King ‘Shy’ as my trademark…my Dee Jay punch line is “ShyShy Shyllon…of today, tomorrow and of the future.” I am blessed living to my trademark.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you mention some of the world renowned Dee Jays that you have worked with?
Dee Jays Tim Westwood, Waxxy and host of others
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Locally in Nigeria and in Britain, who are your role models in Dee Jay business?
In my country, I appreciate both legendary Dee Jays and the new ones who knows their game and here in the UK I cherish Dee Jay Shortie Blitz.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What inspired you into embracing Dee Jay as a career?
I was born into a music family, my Dad was a great keyboardist, a legendary composer and a music teacher. I got my music traits from him and it becomes a special gift that pays my bills
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: If you have not been a Dee Jay, what other career would you have followed after?
Hmmm, I would have probably become a car race driver perhaps because I love automobiles.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How did your parents react to it when you began your Disc Jockey expert in Ogun State Broadcasting Corporation, OGBC 2 FM?
My Dad would have been proud of me more if he was still alive today. He passed on when I was just 13 years old. He has never discouraged my love for music from my childhood knowing I will continue his legacy. He bought me a pedal keyboard to learn how to play the traditional church organ back then. All changed when I entered high school where I developed love for radio presentations and that just changed everything in career.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How do you coordinate your Dee Jay businesses from London to Nigeria, Asia to Europe?
At a particular time in life, you are recognized by your gifts through the amount of work you put in place to better yourself. When you do it diligently and passionately, you are loved at your best definitely.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How did you coin the name ‘Shy Shy’…will you say you are a naturally shy person?
I am naturally a shy person. The name was bestowed on me by Mr Femi Sowoolu, one of the veterans broadcasters ever to emerge that I am honoured to be mentored during my early session of broadcasting at OGBC. My Dee Jay stage name from high school was ‘the Royal Soundtronix’ taken after my dad’s ‘Royal Organist’ but after first live session on air of my radio show in 1990 as a pioneer member, unaware that Mr Sowoolu was among those picked to monitor some of our shows and give feed back, on freshers like me. He gave good recommendations about my presentation and suggested I changed my stage name from “the Royal Soundtronix” to “ShyShy” and confidently said to me that ‘the name will take you far, give it a try on your next show”. I did not doubt him a second as I looked up to him with much respect and….the rest is celebration till date.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Can you take us through some of your great moments in Ray Power FM?
I t was an unforgettable experience that changed everything about my life. Many thanks to the CEO Chief Raymond Dokpesi for believing in my tiny self and gave me the opportunity to dish out the gifts in me. Not many are blessed to have both qualities of being a club Dee Jay and a presenter at the same time. This man helped to change the face of broadcasting in Nigeria when it’s was necessary and Ray Power was the foundation of the new broadcasting system in Nigeria that most of the stations are following and enjoying today. Those moments back then are priceless and immeasurable. We were all like one big family who were so dedicated, determined and on a mission to deliver…we did just that and it’s unforgettable.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What determines your dressing style and do you plan to go into modeling?
never consider going into modeling. I would not mind but I love to be
stylishly simple and free most times. The moods, the vibes make me
thick and it also determine my dressing style.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: How and why did you relocate to United Kingdom?
I was craving to upgrade myself. The vision was highly needed that time, the opportunity came and I just went for it. It was destined and well deserved.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Is it possible for you to take us through how you fence off lots of female admirers who are having ‘crush on you daily?
Nothing but self discipline, without that not much can be achieved.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: What is your favorite Nigerian meal and how do you unwind
Jeeez, I love my ‘Amala’ (native Nigeria starchy food) with rich delicious okra soup and fish stew.
NAIJA STANDARD NEWSPAPER: Finally, what is your message to Nigerians at home and Nigerians in the Diaspora?
Take a moment to wise up and let us do the needful. All is in our hands to make necessary positive change the country needs. Massive thanks for having me and God bless.
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