Rich NIGERIAN Politicians chase after World’s Most Expensive BULLET PROOF Cars…Fear of Assassination, Violence compel anxiety & Vehicle built to survive Military or Chemical Attack
*Unpredictability of elections’ result compound apprehension
*Alarming Media report raises tension in the polity and among the electorates
* Plans to shell out $1.5million for Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition, Eyes ‘The Beast’ (New Cadillac Limo) in the sum of $1.5million, Aims at Rezvani Tank at a cost of $155,000
* ‘There are 100,000 armored vehicles on the streets worldwide’-INVESTIGATION
*PLUS Car Manufacturers now smiling to the Bank
AS AFRICA’S MOST POPULOUS BLACK NATION IN THE WORLD WITNESS AN ELECTIONEERING PROCESS COME FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2019, rich Nigerian elites, especially politicians contesting for various political posts, many of them (politicians) believe staying safe in polity can only happen if they acquire few of the most expensive bullet proof vehicles that will be used during and after the election.
Security aides in the camps of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressives Congress who would not want their names mentioned since they are not authorized to speak to the press confirmed that there is palpable tension and anxiety among most of the part big-wigs for fear of assassination, violence and attack. The PDP Security aide said: “Nigeria has never witnessed the kind of tension, fear and uncertainty surrounding this kind of election coming up in 2019. Based our relationship and security assistance to these big men in politics, we have witnessed many of them making all night, long phone calls requesting prices of bullet proofs from many foreign car dealers/manufacturers. And they want their bullet proof vehicles customized, delivered in their houses at least 2 weeks to election.”
For the Security aide in APC, he confirmed this INVESTIGATION when he told Naija Standard that “The kind of State-of-the-Art bullet proof vehicles Nigerians will see during the 2019 election will amaze everyone. We all know safety belongs to God. But in Nigeria, you can not predict anything that may happen during voting period, collation. That is why few of our top politicians are not leaving anything to chances as I can secretly inform you that APC is certainly acquiring bullet proof vehicles for its top flag-bearer to counter any military, chemical or acid attack in times of violence and danger.”
Further information at our reporters disposal confirmed that few of the foreign manufacturers and auto dealers contracted by Nigerian politicians for these bullet proof vehicles had been smiling to the bank ever since.
Rezvani TANK:
This so-called Xtreme Utility Vehicle boasts a standard 3.6-liter, V6 engine, a price tag that starts at $155,000 — and an optional ballistic-armor package. Hardcore or no, its California manufacturer says the TANK is street legal. Today, there are a reported 100,000 armored vehicles on streets worldwide. Some, like the TANK, are built like tanks. Others are more deceptively invincible. Would-be kidnappers, assassins and terrorists, beware.
“The Beast”:
“The Beast” is the nickname for the specially built (and then some) 2009 Cadillac limo that served President Barack Obama, and now ferries President Donald Trump. It’s got plate armor of at least 5 inches. It’s one of a fleet — and it’s on its way out. As of late 2017, General Motors was at work on a new model.
Dartz Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition:
Unveiled in 2009, this Latvian-made, gold-plated, diamond-encrusted, vodka-stocked, $1.5 million SUV was billed as the world’s most expensive. It has Kevlar coating.
A whale of an SUV:
About the only thing that the fortified Prombron Monaco Red Diamond Edition wasn’t built to withstand was criticism from animal-rights activists: Its planned whale-penis-skin seats were scrapped when Pamela Anderson, Greenpeace and others balked.
Dartz Prombron Iron Diamond, aka L4P Ladies Only:
The Iron Diamond features bulletproof armor and a three-door design; the passenger door was eliminated, Dartz said, to help thwart “kindnapping [sic], hijacking and other problems which can meet rich and lonely lady on the street.”
Tesla Model S P100D:
The electric hatchback is getting the armored treatment via International Armoring Corp. The Utah-based company, which developed the lightweight passenger-car armor known as Armorex, says it’s bulletproofed more than 8,000 cars since its founding in 1993.
Range Rover HSE:
Here’s another bulletproof offering from International Armoring Corp. Standard armoring details on the luxury SUV include ballistic glass, run-flat tires and an armor-encased passenger compartment.
Putin’s Russian ride:
In 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin was spied taking the wheel of his bulletproof Mercedes-Benz in the Russian city of Sochi.
Toyota Sienna
This is no mere passenger van. This is a discrete armored vehicle from Toronto-based INKAS Armored Vehicle Manufacturing. It’s designed to withstand fire from 7.62-mm caliber or .308 Winchester full-metal-jacket ammo.