NIGERIAN Medical Doctor, NDUBUISI JOSEPH OKAFOR indicted on 16 counts for illegal Distribution of Drug-U.S Dept of Justice
…facing a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison on each count, may lose medical license
*Distributes oxycodone-a semisynthetic, moderately potent, orally available opioid, to individuals outside medical practice
*Oxycodone works directly on opioid receptors in the central nervous system and reduces feelings of pain by interrupting the way nerves signal pain between the brain and the body-Medical Report
*63-year-old suspect performed hasty evaluations on individuals before soliciting and receiving cash inside the examination rooms of his clinic
*BY GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU/AMERICA Senior Investigated Editor
A UNITED STATES resident medical doctor, originally from Nigeria NDUBUISI JOSEPH OKAFOR has been arrested for illegally distributing various forms of drugs to the people for the purpose of making quick money to satisfy his lust and greed to live a luxurious life.
According to a statement on the website of the US Justice Department, the 63-year-old doctor made his first appearance at a US district court in Washington DC on April 12.
Okafor, residing in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States of America, has been charged for illegally distributing opioids to patients at his clinic. The doctor was also said to have performed hasty evaluations on individuals before soliciting and receiving cash inside the examination rooms of his clinic for opioid prescriptions.
Primarily, oxycodone works directly on opioid receptors in the central nervous system and reduces feelings of pain by interrupting the way nerves signal pain between the brain and the body.
The brand of opioid, however, has an acutely high addiction profile. It also has a psychoactive effect if more than a medically necessary amount is used.
Okafor has been charged with 16 counts of illegal distribution of the drug. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison on each count.
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