‘Queen Elizabeth II to Abort British Prime Minister’s Govt April 24’-Professor Alexia Thomas, Chairman, TCLP, UK
*Warns: ‘British Monarchy under a mandate to Re-instate/Enforce the Will of Magna Carta’
*Faults Conservative Governance: ‘Party steals through Taxation of Income Tax/VAT Tax at 20%’
*Says: ‘David Cameron runs UK as an Outlaw Bandit, Slander Commonwealth citizens with Sham Immigration Law’
*Echoes: ‘UK Immigration Detention Centers be Demolished, German Investors be paid their Shares’
*Revealed: ‘Prime Minister, Secretary of State Office practice Terror Justice & Tyranny against Commonwealth citizens’
#QUOTES: “It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it”-Aung San Suu Kyi
*“You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him”-Booker T. Washington
*“The oppressors do not favor promoting the community as a whole, but rather selected leaders”-Paulo Freire
*“The truth which has made us free will in the end make us glad also. Every outcry against the oppression of some people by other people, or against what is morally hideous is the affirmation of the principle that a human being as such is not to be violated. A human being is not to be handled as a tool but is to be respected and revered”-Felix Adler
“WHERE justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe”, postulates Frederick Douglass.
It is an open-secret that the present conservative style of governance being led by David Cameron, British Prime Minister is built on injustice, evil, oppression, enslavement mentality of the coloured people with the sole intentions to practicing terror and tyranny against the people of Commonwealth citizens. Certainly, this secretive group Cameron belongs believe society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade the coloured people.
Professor Alexia Thomas, Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party, TCLP, UK flays the wickedness on-going in British Government under the watchful eyes of Cameron and why his government would be abolished on or before 24thApril. Her press statement in London reads: “Your policies are very contagious and destructive to human race, certainly denial is not an option. My press statement dated 22/11/2015 clearly defined Constitution of Democratic System of Government Principles and practice as taught by the founding fathers headship Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of United States. Your party has been a very destructive one-killing the welfare and wellbeing of the coloured people; and you will agree with me it is fair to ask the Queen Elizabeth II to use her Monarchical powers to abolish your leadership or alter it by simply transferring powers to Labour Party headship.
“Monarchical Throneship of Queen Elizabeth II has Powers to abolish your Leadership; This may not have been used before or such Redress of Government Abolishment has not been used since the 16th Century after the beheading of the King Charles I, though his death gave Rights to Ordinary Men like yourself the privileges to come to Power through enacting the Bill of Rights 1689.
As the Chairman of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) and the Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty Alliance Commission, I tell you today such Powers to abort your Government will be executed on or before the 24th of April 2016, if you and your Cabinets Ministers fail to behave yourselves. Mr. David Cameron, know your Government could be pardoned from Penalty of Guilt as your Ignorance of lack of Political Mythology could eliminate your accountability to the Destructive values brought upon the People of the Commonwealth.
On Cameron’s Government stealing from the citizens through tax exploitation, Professor Thomas said: “Your Government is Power intoxicated as through the Peoples’ votes you have Audaciously run United Kingdom Nation as an Outlaw Bandit, exploiting the Taxation System of Income Tax and VAT Tax at 20%, very unreasonable as this is stealing from the Citizens. Mr. Cameron how dare you Slander the Citizens of the Commonwealth Nations with Immigration Law, a Sham Legislation knowingfully well Britain never had Permittal to make 53 Commonwealth Nations their Colonies but instead forced Mastered them through Fierce and Death. We should be fair as a Race to the Cores Values of Commonwealth Nations who Britain bothered their Isolation and forcefully coerced them to accept the British Heritage in 15th Century ago.
Unlimited Travel access to Commonwealth Citizens
In hurtful tones, her letter reads: “Mr. Cameron, know it today United Kingdom is indebted to the Commonwealth Nations and their Citizens. Until the 51 Countries of African and Asia Continents realise Full Civilization, their Citizens must continue to have Unlimited access to Travel to the United Kingdom and the Immigration Confraternity Laws debarring their Rights must be abolished without Deliberation or Compromise. To this End, all Immigration Detention Centers in the United Kingdom must be demolished and all the German Investors having Shares in the Immigration Business and Services of Border Control and Technological Facilities should be paid back their Investment as they must now find other Trade to make their gains because the Commonwealth Citizens Detention is not a Sector for Investment. Simply do not Say no Money to pay them. The process is simple, just Print more money and pay them as Money is a Piece of Paper meant to fool the Governed because Politics is a Ghostly Operations.
“United Kingdom found Riches and Greatness in the 15th Century from the Commonwealth Countries and their Citizens and till date, your Government is still in continual receipt of Royalties from these Poor Slaved Continents of Africa and Asia, yet your Conscience fears no Retribution, because God created them to be of less Values to the White Race. This should not be a bias reason because Humans has bigger Brains, so the Conscience of Guilt should supersede Conscience of Destruction of the Human Race and for this reason Slavery as a Business was abolished in United Kingdom and America.
David Cameron’s Govt to Disband from Office
Standing on truth, Professor Thomas dares British Prime Minister when she explained: “Mr. Cameron, I say unto you Verily, Verily, Verily, your Government will be Disband and Disgraced out of Number 10 Downing Street. Know very well as I said this Words to you, we are Equal in Powers of Governance and the difference is your Vote gives you access to Print Money and control UK Money Supply and the Economy. The only reason you may gullibly assumed you are more Superior than myself is because the Police, Army, Navy, Immigration and Crown Servants are paid by your Government. Mr. Cameron I am your Competitor and as an Opposition Government, we “The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP)”, are not readily bothered about who Rules.
What matters is who Rules the People of United Kingdom must have the Knowledge, the Principles, the Respect, the Compassion, the Protection, the Appreciation and the Values to the People with Rights of Sovereignty.
“Any Ruling Government must respect Human Values, Integrity and Dignity of Human Substance. If you read ‘TCLP’ Teachings and Doctrines, you will see our generosity over view in a Reflection, as I will expect you this year to get some serious Education and your Cabinet Ministers should equally go for Mind Development Training on Humanity Courses or else they could possibly go to Jail ‘En masse’ in the next 15years because of the ‘Enormous and Ferocious Atrocities’ they have committed in the Term of your Government. Money is simply irrelevant as you know the Tricks in Government since Headship. Money is a Piece of Paper. The fact your Conservative Party has made it more important than Human Lives and values, the need of changing School Syllabus is essential.
“The Amendment of School Syllabus and Curriculum Vitae is Mandatory; So Students will be taught Humanity and Human Values as a Course and the Consciousness of Resistance to refuse Cash
Reward in Bribery, Salary, Kind or Gifts, if the Assignment or Task demanded of their Services relates to Law that Devalues, Kills or Destroy the Elements of Humanity. Mr. Cameron, you will agree with me your Government has gone Mad, starting with the Speech of Mr. Enoch Powel on the 20th April 1968. Watch this on Youtube Channel At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkBr-qvo-4 if it was not taught in your Social Studies. Mr. Enoch Powell Plot of destruction as a Conservative Government in their Klu Klux Klan Assembly crafted Today’s destruction Operational Code Name called —- Rivers Of Blood Speech. Since 2008, the Coloured People death toll was officiated to us; killed for no just reason over your Policies of Immigration Laws, a Sham Legislation for no just reason. A Letter from the Immigration Office confirming Death Toll can be read on our Server: http://www.thecommonwealthliberationparty.org/investigation/ukba-death-affirmation/
“The Home Office, their Agencies and whole Institutions lack Political Mythology this is the foundation on which the Home Office is formed and now it is worthy of collapse for a Rebirth of Sanity. Why have your Government allowed the Germans Insanity of the Second World War 2, to continue till date? You have foolishly allowed them into United Kingdom to continue their Destruction on Humanity that saw Fifteen (15) Million Jews massacred to Death. If you have lost reasoning, I recall your concentration that UK Detention Centers named in German Dialect as Observed in the list detailed for your recollection: (i) Dover Removal Centre, (ii) Collinbrook Removal Centre, (iii) Oakington Removal Centre, (iv) Hamasworth Removal Centre, (v) Dungavel Removal Centre, (vi) Campsfield Removal Centre, (vii) Lindholam Removal Centre, (viii) Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre, (ix) Haslar Removal Centre, (x) Tinsley House Removal Centre and Others.
Using Legislative Confraternity to kill the people
Corroborating her view on the use of Legislative Confraternity by Cameron to kill the Commonwealth people, Professor Thomas said: “Mr. Cameron, your Government continues to use Legislative Confraternity to kill the Commonwealth Nations Citizens in Immigration Detention Centres and Prisons. Coloured Men and Women die every day in UK Immigration Concentration Camps.
Why have you allowed German Investors in Immigration Affairs? Why are Offenses of Murder and Homicide committed on Commonwealth Citizens by your Crown Servants covered up till date?
Why no Persons has been convicted for these Deaths? If these deaths were committed by Black Culprits on White Victims, your Government will send them to Jail for life. So you will agree with me the Justice system has neglected the Wellbeing of Families of the Deceased Citizens till date failed to inform their Families and not even bothered to pay them Compensation. The Commonwealth Citizens deaths recorded since 1965 to 2015 of their Exterminations in the UK Immigration Concentration Camps must be revealed to the Commonwealth Nations Government. Your Government pretense of Blind Eye, yet no one has been jailed for these Atrocities committed. The Big Question is Why has your Government Mocked the Justice system because of Power intoxication?
David Cameron ancestors
Referring to the British Prime Minister’s hereditary lineage, Professor Thomas reminisced: “Mr. Cameron, you must remember the Moral Values your Mother taught you; Though your Ancestor General Sir James Duff was a Slave Master who received Huge settlement after Slavery Abolishment by the British Government. Reawakening your Conscience in Denial that your Ancestor Profited from Slave Trade. This Evidence is definitely the reason you have lost Touch with Reality. If the Pressure of the Governance and Education expected is above your Comprehension, I strongly advise you to simply Resign before you get disgrace out of Power.
Commonwealth dead victims
She recounts the ordeal of Commonwealth citizens tortured and buried in unmarked graves by agents of Cameron, when her statement states: “The Commonwealth Citizens die in UK Immigration Concentration Camps and buried in an unmarked Graves. Your Government should know what is good for the Goose is good for the Gander; So wholly in Truth of Correctiveness, it is advisable your Government compile the list of Deceased Persons and search for their Families for they must be buried befittingly and their Families Compensated.
“Mr. Cameron, an explanation is needed on why your Government have not shown these Dead Victims respect, knowingfully well that they were killed by your Employees? Obviously without Denial, your Conservative Party fumes with Superiority because these Dead Victims are Black and Coloured Persons, simply your Disdain is their Blood Smells, because if it was White Persons as Dead Victims, the Queen Elizabeth II would have been told to reassure their Families.
“Your Government still regard the Commonwealth Citizens as Slaves and Servants. No one in your Government is concerned about the Wellbeing of Noble Men your Party have locked and incarcerated in Immigration Concentration Camps for no offenses they have committed. You tell me no ‘RACISM’ in the United Kingdom, well know it now it is simply ‘HATISM’. Mr. Cameron, you must advice the Secretary of State for Home Office to advice Personnel’s of the Home Office and Immigration Officers because as Employees they are Outlaws. It is very Sad your Secretary of State is unable to control them as she is continually misled by the Minister for Immigration
On British Passports’ Illegal Revocation
Famous for her frankness on issues affecting Commonwealth citizens, Professor Thomas revealed clandestine moves by Cameron administration to revoke British citizenship status earlier accorded Commonwealth citizens that had done renunciation. She said: “The introduction of the TCLP Scheme on Renunciation and Proclamation of Nationality as Treaty of Article 15 of UDHR, it was deemed necessary that Beneficiaries of this Scheme notify the Home Office of their change of Status as British Citizens because the Passport Office an Executive Agency is now Politicized by your Government the Conservative Party has Conned and Deceitfully got them to Alliance for reasons to unconstitutionally continue to Revoke Peoples Right of Residence and the British Passport over the most Flimsy excuses.
“The TCLP for these reasons, introduced the British Commonwealth Nationals Data Enrollment for Commonwealth Citizens to grant Permissibility to the Home Office to update their Information with the Data Entry Department. MY PEN MUST BRAKE NOW’, if not this letter could be 200 Pages as there are Enormous issues to talk about. I am an Eagle Eye watching the Fashion of your Government so expect more Teachings from me. Mr. Cameron, your style of Government has never been known to the History of United Kingdom because you lack the International Law Mythology and Treaty Compulsion signed after the Second World War by Prime Minister Churchill which is a Bond.
Law of Magna Carta as only way forward in 21st Century
Re-awakening the Law of Magna Carta as the only panacea to bright governance, Professor Thomas further explained: “Your Immigration Officers appointed to work as Bounty Hunters are committing Serious Crimes in the Name of Justice using Covert Operations because of assurance for every deportation to earn commission. They steal Commonwealth Citizens Data from Home Office Server and maliciously visit their Homes who they know are British Citizens through the Nationality Scheme created by TCLP. Immigration Law is a Civil Case and not Criminal, therefore your Officers by Law cannot ‘Threaten, Bully, or Bigotry’ visit Homes nor assisted with Police Escort to Commonwealth Citizens Houses as any infringement on their Privacy is a Violation of their Rights and Hate Crime Coercion Brutality.
“The Mythological Truth is no Immigration Officer is issued a Warrant by any Court of the Land, hence it is not a Criminal matter, this means your Officers in Possession of a Warrant are in Possession of a False Instrument, a Triable Offense under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2 and s.6. Your Office is duty obligated to stop Immigration Employees from printing Fake Warrants from their Computer to violate Coloured Peoples Right. This is a Huge embarrassment that Home Office Personnel’s can use Fake Court Warrants to break in Homes of the Coloured People who are British Citizens, yet the Warrant maliciously calls them other National. The Warrant as Exhibits shows it has no Court Stamp, but still your Employees use it to aid their Hate Crime Executions. What is your Plea for these Criminal atrocities by People in Government? Mr. Cameron, these misconduct of Home Office Personnel’s is a Huge embarrassment to the UK Justice system.
‘British Monarchy under a mandate to Re-instate/Enforce the Will of Magna Carta’
This Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty Alliance Commission, UK officially issued a notice to Queen of England, Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to call the British Prime Minister to order by ensuring on or before 24th April, the current conservative administration built on confraternity get disband or abolished to pave way for Labour Party.
It is in view of Cameron’s vice that Professor Thomas, a foremost outspoken Human Rights advocate for freedom of Commonwealth criticized the ‘triangle of evil in Britain’ led by Cameron. She did not spare the British Monarchy as she lambasts Queen Elizabeth II and placed Buckingham Palace under a mandate to Re-instate/Enforce the Will of Magna Carta.
According to the press statement signed by Professor Thomas: “Your Throneship is now under a Mandate to Reinstate and Enforce the Will of Magna Carta 1215 just as King Henry III Reinforced the Reading of the Charters of Liberties in Court on the 23rd June 1217.
Our concerns about the Ruling Conservative Government Style of Governance is drawn for your attention. This letter is unveiled Publicly on our Party Website Investigation Page, so the attention of the People of Great Britain could be drawn to our openness on issues of deliberation.
“Your Majesty, as I reviewed the correspondence from Buckingham Palace signatured by Sonia Bonici your Senior Correspondence, I acknowledged your comments which I dutifully inform you today People of the Commonwealth believe their interest do not matter to you, despite the Injustice and Deaths of the Commonwealth Victims. Your Majesty, your negligence to the Welfare and Wellbeing of the Commonwealth Citizens in Britain is of concern as the outspoken reality is, you deem them less important of your time.”
Sounding emotional and philosophical, she said “Your Majesty, if these Dead Victims at UK Immigration Concentration Camps were White British, your motherhood instinct will not deny your Guilt that you have failed them as Powers of your Throneship supersede the Powers of Parliamentarian Politics. Your Throneship the Buckingham Palace oversightedly allowed the Office of the Secretary of State to be bigger than the United Kingdom Monarch in that Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Home Office now Masters the Commonwealth Citizens with Terror Justice and still in their Tyranny fears no retribution.
Queen Elizabeth’s ancestral history
Professor Thomas reveals Mythological truth on the birth of the Commonwealth Nations through British Monarchy ancestry. She said: “Your Majesty, I recall your knowledge to Britain Monarchical Wealth that your Ancestor King Henry VII in 1496 in his Hunger for Power and Wealth granted permission on Royal Commission for Global Exploration authorized John Cabot an Italian Explorer to find New Lands for England. This Mythological Truth about the Birth of the Commonwealth Nations Mythology can be watch on Youtube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPE64vn9RTE
“Your Majesty, the fact not in denial is that the Coloured Peoples Race were not known to Britain but the greed for Power eroded the Thrones of Kings in Europe to explosively exploit the Nations of Asia and Africa and their Abonnement is an impossibility. Your Majesty, you will agree with me Britain cannot exist without the Commonwealth Nations because your Government is weakened without them. Their Wealth is why your Kingdom is the greatest today because of your Receipt of Royalty. What is good for your People must be extended to the Commonwealth Nations and their Citizens you inherited.
“ Your Majesty, the Commonwealth Nations Governance must be reviewed as the Commonwealth Charter a Working Guide lacked in-depth Goals and Objectives for reasons of United Kingdom relationship with the Commonwealth Nations. United Kingdom powered by Parliament and her Monarchical Empire should not ignore the Commonwealth Nations Wellbeing as a People. Your Invisibility in Politics and Government and allowing Parliament Pen to draft your Statements and Declarations is against the Fundamental Values of the Commonwealth Treaty your Oath Ascertained in your Coronation of 1953; Promises Breached.”
British Govt Reign of Terror & Tyranny
Without any iota of pretense, ‘Her Knowledgeable’ as widely called in UK said “Your Office negates matters of Commonwealth Values still assuming they are Slaves and Servants. The reason why their Affairs are pushed to the Office of the Secretary Of State for Home Office simply, Secretary of State symbolically in Blind Administration is their Slave Master and as such their Enrollment to your Kingdom is the Services of Servantry; In retrogression History is not in denial that the Black and Coloured People were Slaves though after Abolishment in 1833, this Significance still reflect in the 21st Century.
“Your Majesty, since 2008 I have continually drawn your Throneship’s attention to the Deaths and Harm done on the People of the Commonwealth by your Government Ministerial Bureaucracy. Your Majesty, as I revisited Communications received from your Office in 2008, it became obvious you allowed the Destruction on Commonwealth People as it could have been avoided. I came to the conclusion that Politics has limited your Powers to partake in Government Governance. Your yearly speech to the People of United Kingdom, in your declaration, you adduced Parliament Act of Justice a monstrosity that kills the Welfare and Wellbeing of the Black and Coloured People as your Pen signatured the Bill and Act of Britain Legislative Confraternity slaughtering the Black People and Coloured People Struggle for their Rights as a People.
How Destructive Bill was Prepared
Recalling by divinity how the Destructive Bill against the Commonwealth citizens was enacted. Professor Thomas fumes: “Ordinary Men from homes with no morals prepare a Destructive Bill for you, yet you have the power to refuse it, as politics cannot control ones Instinct of Justice Conscience, still their perilous direct your state of reasoning with their Monstrosity Bill of Warrants to Kill and execute the destruction of the Commonwealth Citizens in your Name.
“Your Majesty, why have you allowed the Banner of Parliament and Ordinary Men with no Royal Lineage puppeteer your Honours and control United Kingdom Nation like their Neighbourhood Watch?
Your Majesty, less I talk, the better not to accuse you further, because your Conscience knows the Truth and as a Great woman, I know your Values, for you must be Observance to the Peoples Will of Mandate. Your decision on the Commonwealth Future is now your Principle or their Lust. I now expect your Throneship of United Kingdom to disband Prime Minister David Cameron’s Leadership of Government. The Ethics of his Government has breached the British Constitutional Governance, hence evidential adduced for His Governance Brutality to the Welfare of the Commonwealth People must not be compromised as being a political science student his defense is unpardonable.
“Execute the Nation’s Justice and by mandating Mr. David Cameron to leave power by Alteration Government means Labour Party holds Power or Cameron’s Leadership get aborted without any Ceremony and a new peoples vote is casted for the People Referendum their chance to appoint their choice of Leadership. Democracy is not the Will of Majority and hence Majority and Minority all have Rights of Equality Judgment of Justice, then Cameron’s Leadership must be disband as not even his Legislative Confraternists can stop his Disbandment.
“Your Majesty, My Words Are Alive, Hear Me In The Loudness Of The Sea, Hear Me The Treacherous Must Not Be Empathized With. This Mandate Upon Your Shoulder As Real As It Sounds Are The Quest Of Justice From The Kings Thrones Of The Great Kingdom Of Britain. Alum, Alum, Alum, verily well said. This is my statement. Cameron’s Government And Leadership Must Go And Equivocally Must Be Halt Before His Governance Insanity Brings Fatal Retribution To United Kingdom”, added Professor Thomas.