Re-Branding NIGERIA Overseas:
Meet WENDY OKOLO, a-30-year-old Nigerian born Aeronautic & Space Administration Genius, First African Woman in America’s NASA history
…received Doctorate degree in Aerospace Engineering at 26 from University of Texas, Arlington
*Earlier worked as a Summer Researcher at Air Force Research Laboratory- a scientific organization operated by the United States Air Force Material Command
*Presently working as Aerospace Research Engineer at the Ames Research Center for National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Silicon Valley
*Former president of the society of women engineers had Bachelors, Master’s degrees in Aerospace Engineering at same varsity
*“I found an error in NASA code system and fixed it. That turned my destiny around for good. I owe my current feat to my all-time heroes – my sisters – who gave me biology and other science lessons through their everyday realities. Education breaks all barriers of limitations in life”-OKOLO
*BY GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU/AMERICAN Senior Investigative Editor
HER true-life story is very inspiring. WENDY OKOLO, a Nigerian born lady from eastern part of the country with six siblings has proven that education breaks all barriers in life. She has no limitation. She fixed her eyes on her aspiration which is to become an outstanding Aerospace Engineer. She followed this path, determined, focused and attained her dream.
Initially, fulfilling her aspiration much seem like a tall dream. She never gave up. Okolo initially felt like an imposter when she worked as a summer researcher from 2010 to 2012 at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), a scientific research organization operated by the United States Air Force Materiel Command. The mission of the AFRL is to discover, develop, and integrate affordable warfighting technologies for air and space forces.
Okolo, then a graduate student, at first felt she had no place working with such a great team. “I was like I am sure these guys are so smart, what am I going to bring in,” she said.
She found an error in the code in the systems and she fixed it and “that fixed the impostor syndrome for a while,” she was quoted by The Cable.
Today, the 30-year-old is an aeronautics and space administration genius. She works as an aerospace research engineer at the Ames Research Center, a major research centre for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Silicon Valley.
Born to a family of six in southeastern Nigeria, Okolo was only 26 when she became the first black woman to get a doctorate degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington.
She received her BSc and PhD degrees in aerospace engineering from the university in 2010 and 2015 respectively.
Okolo said she owes her current feat to her all-time heroes – her sisters – who gave her biology and other science lessons through their everyday realities.
She would subsequently excel in school and make tremendous moves during her undergraduate years at the University of Texas in Arlington, where she became the president of the society of women engineers in the university.
During this period, she interned at Lockheed Martin working on NASA’s Orion spacecraft and first worked in the requirements management office in systems engineering before moving to the Hatch Mechanisms team in mechanical engineering.
Okolo later worked as a summer researcher at AFRL and has since taken off her career at NASA, a United States agency responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.
Having done research in the area of aircraft formation flight as a fuel-saving method of flight. Okolo has written several publications and currently serving as a Special emphasis programs manager in the Intelligent Systems Division of NASA’s Ames Research Center.
She is working on the System-Wide Safety (SWS) project, where she has led the task of predicting GPS faults in drones, according to The Cable. The talented engineer is further working on a Space Technology Mission Directorate Early Career Initiative (STMD-ECI) project at the Ames Research Center.
Under this role, she “leads the controls team to develop unconventional control techniques for deployable vehicles to enable precision landing and improving maneuverability during the entry, descent and landing phases of spaceflight.”
Okolo has also worked with Langley Research Center in Virginia to investigate flight data and facilitate data exchange across and within NASA centres.
The STMD-ECI project is a $2.5 million-dollar project that she proposed and won as part of a six-member early- career scientist team.
Okolo, who has also won the BEYA Global Competitiveness Conference Award for the most promising engineer in the United States government, wants other young girls to take an active interest in science technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Over the years, Nigerians have been impacting the world with their highly improvised technical skills.
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