Sicily’s Nigerian Sex Trafficking leaders busted…Lure 15 Underage Girls into Prostitution from Nigeria via Libya into Italy *Police identifies RITA IHAMA, 38, and MONICA ONAIGFOHE, 20, as brains behind the cartel * Investigators track an Italian national, Giovanni Buscemi for helping to exploit girls * 16,000 Nigerian women arrived in Italy from Libya between 2016-2017-INVESTIGATION * ‘We were all forced to have sex without condom with older men as the age of our father. Our traveling passports were seized and we were all threatened daily’-Cries 14 year old Ose Aimagbon * “On arrival in Italy, the women [say they] were forced into prostitution and told they must pay back the cost of their travel to Italy”-Giovannella Scaminaci, deputy chief prosecutor in Messina BY THORPE KATE, CRIME REPORTER, ITALY
Sicily's Nigerian Sex Trafficking leaders busted...Lure 15 Underage Girls into Prostitution from…
7 Min Read
PAINFUL: Inside last Moment of NIGERIA’S FIRST Super Model, YEMI FAWAZ in America…Her Battle, Pain with Colon Cancer at New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital * American Cardiologist, Nephrologist discovered pioneer Nigerian model suffered hole in Heart and Kidney *Leads love international outreach to help less privilege *Challenged Advertising industries in Nigeria for ‘having sex with models’, paying them peanuts BY GEORGE ELIJAH OTUMU in New York
PAINFUL: Inside last Moment of NIGERIA'S FIRST Super Model, YEMI FAWAZ in…
4 Min Read
CHIEF JUSTICE OF NIGERIA’S SUSPENSION: ‘NIGERIA is sliding into a Tyranny State’ -EUROPEAN Union……’My Administration is fighting corruption in Justice Walter Onnoghen’s infamous activities. He’s alleged to have breached Code of Conduct for Public Officers’-President BUHARI
18 Min Read
‘AFRICAN Rulers Failed the Youths, Continent & Posterity’-Eze Eluchie, Representative for Sub Sahara Africa on Civil Society Task Force on United Nations General Assembly Special Session on World Drug Problems…Says: ‘African Rulers’ Corruption misguide Youths to seek Drug Trafficking for Wealth’*Explain:“Drug Trafficking not limited to Youths, Elderly persons involve in same Crime”*Analyzes various methods African Youths courier Drugs across the World*ECHOES: “I am African and extremely proud to be Africa. I breathe, live, eat and sleep Africa”*Laments: “No Boldness in Swallowing Drugs going Abroad, but Incredible Stupidity and insanity to embark on such folly”*Converges African Civil Society Groups on current Global Debate altering existing global policy regime regarding Drug Abuse*Scream: “African Civil Society generally Opposed to any Plan to Legalize, Liberalize drugs”*PLUS Why African Youths arrested for Non-Violence crimes are no Drug-users
'AFRICAN Rulers Failed the Youths, Continent & Posterity'-Eze Eluchie, Representative for Sub…
17 Min Read